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View Full Version : Work from home requests present legal balancing act for employers

09-26-2012, 05:00 PM
With work from home requests continuing to increase, employers are being forced to walk a legal tightrope between offering increased workplace flexibility and mitigating potential risks associated with granting such requests according to Harmers Workplace Lawyers.

Kristin Ramsey, Senior Associate and Brisbane Team Leader at Harmers Workplace
Lawyers pointed to a recent case where a Telstra employee who fell down the stairs and was injured whilst working from home successfully claimed compensation against Telstra on the basis that the injury occurred during the course of her employment.

“Employers often approve flexible working arrangements without giving thought to the potential risks involved. It is important for employers to evaluate potential risks and exposures when considering and granting such requests, as health and safety obligations apply the same way to work performed at home as they do to work performed in the office."

“It is often a delicate balancing act between providing flexible working options and minimising legal risks to the business. The crux of the issue is deciding whether the benefit to the employee outweighs the potential risks to the business, and whether such risks can be properly managed,” Ms Ramsey said.

Read the full article on Harmers web site here (http://www.harmers.com.au/ftproot/images//Work%20from%20home%20requests%20present%20a%20lega l%20balancing%20act%20for%20employers.pdf)